Ethio Agri-cefte Ltd is supplying personnel security equipment to prevent the spread of corona virus.

Ethio Agri-cefte Ltd is supplying personnel security equipment to prevent the spread of corona virus. It is transporting standard laser gloves and mouth masks to the workers at Gojjam agricultural development to help prevent the spread of the corona virus and to help keep the workers safe. Currently, the company is working to deliver hygiene and sanitation materials, anti virus alcohol, leather glove, surgical masks, for lay birr, tach birr, ayeh coffee and ayehu agricultural farms to the top 400, day laborers,

According to Senait Anbesso, Communications director of Ethio Agri-Sefte Ltd, told Amhara Media the farm has been working in education, awareness creation for workers and education to provide hygiene hand sanitizers in the workplace, since providing education to reduce employee vulnerability in COVID-19.

Similarly, Mr Misert Tiruneh, manager of Ayehu farm told to our reporter “the investment preparing a stand by ambulance, 24 hour reinvestment based health station has completed the pre preventive program and organized staff to create a safe environment.

He said, the are working to close down illicit bars in the area. To help combat the epidemic, the organization has provided food and hygiene supplies to staff, which says it is undertaking full safety education, preventive measures for staff. This will support efforts to prevent corona outbreaks in agricultural development to comply with state law.

The Communication Director of the Association, Senait Anbesso, said that the Ethio-Agri ceft PLC is a partnership in preventing the Corona epidemic and that the support will be strengthened in the future.

In related news, the farm’s owner, his excllency Sheikh Hussein Ali Al-Amadi, has contributed 120 million birr to curb the spread of the Corona epidemic. At the time, the situation of Ethiopia contributed greatly to the 120 million birr in response to the national call to action to curb the spread of COVID-19, which threatens the society.