In the heart of Tbilisi, Georgia, a program is preparing to bridge borders and nurture a generation of peacemakers. The HWPL Georgia Peace Camp, taking place from January 8th to 13th, 2024, will bring together 34 students from Georgia and Korea for an immersive experience in peace education and cultural exchange at Cervantes Gymnasium Aia-Gess international school. This transformative week promises not only deep dives into the principles of peacebuilding but also vibrant explorations of diverse cultures, forging friendships and understanding across continents.
Mornings dedicated to peace education will lay the groundwork for a world free from conflict. Led by experienced educators, students will delve into essential topics like conflict resolution, human rights, and the crucial role young people play in shaping a more peaceful future. These sessions will equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate differences and build bridges of understanding, not just within their communities but across the globe.
Afternoons explode with a kaleidoscope of cultural exchange activities, bursting with energy and laughter. Georgian and Korean students will be swaying together to the rhythms of traditional dances, their steps a tapestry of shared joy and appreciation for each other’s heritage. Language barriers will melt away as they co-create short plays exploring themes of peace in both Korean and Georgian, their voices weaving a powerful message of unity.