Photo from EBC

More than 100 square kilometers of grass and shrubs have so far been destroyed in a fire at the Haledidege Asebot National Park, the park’s coordinator said.

The fire that broke out in the northern part of the park on Thursday afternoon, March 2, 2013, was largely controlled, park coordinator Mohamed Idris told Africa News Channel.

He said great efforts have been made over the past three days to control the disaster.

Mohammed said the Afar Regional State Fire Brigade, regional public enterprises, Amibara and Haruka woreda leaders and members of the National Defense Forces have made significant efforts to control the fire.

“However, due to the high winds and heat in the area, it was not possible to control the fire quickly,” he said.

He said most of the fires had been contained in areas where there was a lot of fire until last night.

He said work is underway to extinguish small and light fires scattered in various parts of the park. He said the accident was under control.

He said more than 100 square kilometers of grass and shrubs were completely destroyed in the three-day fire. He said the fire had damaged wildlife and birds.

The coordinator pointed out that the cause of the fire was man-made. The details of the cause of the accident and the extent of the damage will be determined by the concerned parties.
Haleidege Asebot Park, which was established as a candidate for the national park in 1965, is located in the Afar Regional State and in the western Hararge zones of Oromia State.

He said the park is home to a large number of wildlife and birds, including wild donkeys, wild goats and salads.

By Ayele Addis Ambelu